Source code for dplus.Amplitudes

import math
import numpy as np
import os

PI = 3.14159265358979323846  # math.pi
encoding = 'ascii'
npDouble = np.float64

def sph2cart(r, theta, phi):
    return [
        r * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(phi),
        r * math.sin(theta) * math.sin(phi),
        r * math.cos(theta)

def cart2sph(x, y, z):
    # note that a faster vectorized version of this can be found at:
    XsqPlusYsq = x ** 2 + y ** 2
    r = math.sqrt(XsqPlusYsq + z ** 2)  # r
    elev = math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(XsqPlusYsq))  # theta
    az = math.atan2(y, x)  # phi
    return r, elev, az

[docs]class Grid: ''' This class is described in pages 12-15 of the paper The class Grid is initialized with `q_max` and `grid_size`. It is used to create/describe a grid of `q`, `theta`, `phi` angle values. These values can be described using two sets of indexing: 1. The overall index `m` 2. The individual angle indices `i`, `j`, `k` ''' def __init__(self, q_max, grid_size): if grid_size % 2: raise ValueError("Grid size must be even") self.q_max = q_max self.grid_size = grid_size self.extra_shells = 3 @property def step_size(self): ''' The difference between q's in the grid. :return: double q_max/N ''' return npDouble(self.q_max / (self.N)) @property def N(self): return int(self.grid_size / 2) @property def actual_size(self): return self.N + self.extra_shells def _G_i_q(self, i): return 6 * i + 12 * i ** 2 + 6 * i ** 3
[docs] def create_grid(self): ''' a generator that returns q, theta, phi angles in phi-major order ''' for i in range(0, self.N + 4): if i == 0: yield 0, 0, 0 continue J_i = (3 * i) + 1 K_ij = 6 * i for j in range(0, J_i): for k in range(0, K_ij): yield self.angles_from_indices(i, j, k)
[docs] def angles_from_indices(self, i, j, k): ''' receives angle indices i,j,k and returns their q, theta, and phi angle values. :param i: angle indice i :param j: angle indice j :param k: angle indice k :return: q, theta, and phi angle values ''' if i == 0: return 0, 0, 0 q = npDouble(i * self.step_size) theta_ij = npDouble((j * PI) / (3 * i)) phi_ijk = npDouble((k * PI) / (3 * i)) return q, theta_ij, phi_ijk
[docs] def indices_from_index(self, m): ''' :param m: receives an overall index m. :return: individual q, theta, and phi indices: i, j, k ''' if m == 0: return 0, 0, 0 i = math.floor((m / 6) ** (1. / 3.)) if m > self._G_i_q(i): i += 1 R_i = m - self._G_i_q(i - 1) - 1 j = math.floor(R_i / (6 * i)) k = R_i - 6 * i * j return i, j, k
[docs] def angles_from_index(self, m): ''' :param m: receives an overall index m :return: returns the matching q, theta, and phi angle values ''' i, j, k = self.indices_from_index(m) q, theta, phi = self.angles_from_indices(i, j, k) return q, theta, phi
[docs] def index_from_indices(self, i, j, k): ''' receives angle indices i,j,k and returns the overall index m that matches them. :param i: angle indices i :param j: angle indices j :param k: angle indices k :return: overall index m that matches the given i,j,k ''' if i == 0: return 0 return 6 * (i - 1) + 12 * (i - 1) ** 2 + 6 * (i - 1) ** 3 + 6 * i * j + k + 1
[docs] def indices_from_angles(self, q, theta, phi): ''' receives angles q, theta, phi, ands returns the matching indices i,j,k. :param q: q angle :param theta: theta angle :param phi: phi angle :return: return indices i, j, k of given q, thta and phi ''' eps=0.000001 i=math.floor(q/self.step_size + eps) phiPoints = 6.0 * i thePoints = 3.0 * i j = math.floor((theta / PI) * thePoints + eps) k = math.floor((phi / (PI*2)) * phiPoints + eps) return i, j, k
[docs] def index_from_angles(self, q, theta, phi): ''' receives angles q, theta, phi and returns the matching overall index m. :param q: q angle :param theta: theta angle :param phi: phi angle :return: matching overall index m ''' i,j,k = self.indices_from_angles(q, theta, phi) return self.index_from_indices(i,j,k)
[docs]class Amplitude(Grid): ''' The class `Amplitude`, by contrast, can be used to build an amplitude and then save that amplitude as an amplitude file, which can then be opened in D+ (or sent in a class AMP) but it itself cannot be added directly to the Domain parameter tree. ''' def __init__(self, q_max, grid_size): super().__init__(q_max, grid_size) self._values = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) self.external_headers = None self.__description = "" self.filename = ""
[docs] def create_grid(self, func): ''' Amplitude overrides grid's `create_grid` method. Amplitude's `create_grid` requires a function as an argument. This function must receive q, theta, phi and return two values, representing the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. The values returned can be a tuple, an array, or a python complex number (A+Bj). These values are then saved to the Ampltiude's `values` property, and can also be accessed through the `complex_amplitudes_array` property as a numpy array of numpy complex types. :param func: a function that receives q, theta, phi and return two values, representing the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. ''' values=[] for q, theta, phi in super().create_grid(): try: res= func(q, theta, phi) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("You must provide a function which receives q, theta, phi") try: values.append(res[0]) values.append(res[1]) except: try: values.append(res.real) values.append(res.imag) except: raise ValueError("You must provide a function which returns a complex number in two parts") self._values = np.float64(values)
@property def values(self): ''' array that contains the grid intensity values as 2 values - real and imaginary :return: values array ''' if len(self._values): return self._values else: raise ValueError("Amplitude values empty-- has not been initialized yet") @property def complex_amplitude_array(self): ''' returns the values array as complex array. :return: complex array ''' complex_arr = np.zeros((int(self._values.__len__() / 2), 1), dtype=np.complex) for index in range(0, complex_arr.__len__()): complex_arr[index] = self.values[2 * index] + 1j * self.values[2 * index + 1] return complex_arr @property def default_header(self): ''' Return the default file headers values for amplidute class. :return: file headers of amplitude ''' descriptor = "#@".encode(encoding) header = "# created from a Python function\n" header += "# " + "\\"*80 +"\n" header += "# User description:" + self.description + "\n" header += "# " + "\\" * 80 + "\n" header += "# Grid was used.\n" header += "# N^3; N = " + str(self.N) + "\n" header += "# qMax= " + str(self.q_max) + "\n" header += "# Grid step size = " + str(self.step_size) + "\n" header += "\n" headlen =np.uint32( 2*1 + 4 + 1 + len(header) *1 + 1) # descriptor + unsigned int + \n + header length + \n header_list = [descriptor, headlen, "\n".encode(encoding), header.encode(encoding) ,"\n".encode(encoding)] step_size = np.array([self.step_size], dtype=np.float64) added_list=[ (str(13) + "\n").encode(encoding), # version (str(16) + "\n").encode(encoding), # size of double (str(int(self.actual_size)) + "\n").encode(encoding), # "tmp grid size" (str(int(self.extra_shells)) + "\n").encode(encoding), step_size.tobytes() # note that this does not get new line ] return header_list + added_list @property def headers(self): ''' Returns the headers - default if amplitude was created nt python API or external if amplitude was created from a file. :return: ''' if self.external_headers: return self.external_headers else: return self.default_header @property def description(self): if self.__description: return self.__description return "None" @description.setter def description(self, val): edit = val.replace("\n", "\n# ") self.__description ="\n# "+ edit
[docs] def save(self, filename): ''' The function will save the information of the Amplitude class to an Amplitude file which can then be passed along to D+ to calculate its signal or perform fitting. :param filename: new amplitude file name ''' with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for header in self.headers: f.write(header) amps = np.float64(self._values) amps.tofile(f) self.filename= os.path.abspath(filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filename): ''' A static method, `load`, which receives a filename of an Amplitude file, and returns an Amplitude instance with the values from that file already loaded. :param filename: filename of an Amplitude file :return: instance of Amplitude class. ''' def _peek(File, length): pos = File.tell() data = return data has_headers = False headers = [] with open(filename, "rb+") as f: if _peek(f, 1).decode('ascii') == '#': desc = tempdesc = desc.decode('ascii') if (tempdesc[1] == '@'): has_headers = True else: tmphead = f.readline() headers.append(desc + tmphead) if has_headers: offset = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1, sep="") del_aka_newline = f.readline() # b"\n" while _peek(f, 1).decode('ascii') == '#': headers.append(f.readline()) if offset > 0:[0], 0) version_r = f.readline().rstrip() version = int(version_r.decode('ascii')) size_element_r = f.readline().rstrip() size_element = int(size_element_r.decode('ascii')) if size_element != int(2 * np.dtype(np.float64).itemsize): raise ValueError("error in file: " + filename + "dtype is not float64\n") tmpGridsize_r = f.readline().rstrip() tmpGridsize = int(tmpGridsize_r.decode('ascii')) # I tmpExtras_r = f.readline().rstrip() extra_shells = int(tmpExtras_r.decode('ascii')) # extra shells grid_size = (tmpGridsize - extra_shells) * 2 # grid_size actualGridSize = grid_size / 2 + extra_shells # I i = actualGridSize totalsz = int((6 * i * (i + 1) * (3 + 3 + 2 * 3 * i)) / 6) totalsz = totalsz + 1 totalsz = totalsz * 2 step_size = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float64, count=1, sep="") q_max = np.float64 (step_size * (grid_size / 2.0)) amp_values = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float64, count=totalsz, sep="") header_List = [] if has_headers: pos = 0 header_List.append(desc) pos = pos + len(desc) header_List.append(offset[0].tobytes()) pos = pos + len(offset[0].tobytes()) header_List.append(del_aka_newline) pos = pos + len(del_aka_newline) for i in headers: header_List.append(i) pos = pos + len(i) header_List.append(del_aka_newline) header_List.append(del_aka_newline) pos = pos + 2 * len(del_aka_newline) pos = np.int32(pos) if pos != offset[0]: header_List[1] = pos.tobytes() header_List.append(version_r + b"\n") header_List.append(size_element_r + b"\n") header_List.append(tmpGridsize_r + b"\n") header_List.append(tmpExtras_r + b"\n") header_List.append(step_size.tobytes()) amp = Amplitude(q_max, grid_size) amp.extra_shells = extra_shells amp._values = amp_values amp.external_headers = header_List return amp