Source code for dplus.DataModels

import json
import sys
import math
from dplus.metadata import meta_models, hardcode_models, _type_to_int, _models_with_files_index_dict, _int_to_type

[docs]class Constraints: ''' The Constraints class contains the following properties: * MaxValue: a float whose default value is infinity * MinValue: a float whose default value is -infinity ''' def __init__(self, max_val=math.inf, min_val=-math.inf, minindex=-1, maxindex=-1, link=-1): try: if max_val <= min_val: raise ValueError("Constraints' upper bound must be greater than lower bound") except TypeError: #for some reason, strings weren't being converted to numbers properly if max_val=="inf": max_val=math.inf if min_val=="-inf": min_val=-math.inf if max_val <= min_val: raise ValueError("Constraints' upper bound must be greater than lower bound") self.MaxValue = max_val self.MinValue = min_val self.isConstrained= False if max_val!=math.inf or min_val != -math.inf: self.isConstrained=True self.min_index=minindex self.max_index=maxindex
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dictionary(json): """ creates Constraints class instance with the json dictionary. :param json: json dictionary :return instance of Constraints class with the json data """ try: c = Constraints(json["MaxValue"], json["MinValue"], json["MinIndex"], json["MaxIndex"], json["Link"]) except KeyError: #backwards compatibility with older version of constraints c=Constraints(json["MaxValue"], json["MinValue"]) return c
[docs] def serialize(self): """ saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields (isConstrained, consMin and consMax) """ return { "Link":, "MaxIndex": self.max_index, "MaxValue": self.MaxValue, "MinIndex": self.min_index, "MinValue": self.MinValue }
[docs]class Parameter: ''' The Parameter class contains the following properties: * value: a float whose default value is 0 * sigma: a float whose default value is 0 * mutable: a boolean whose default value is False * constraints: an instance of the Constraints class, by default it is the default Constraints ''' def __init__(self, value=0, sigma=0, mutable=False, constraints=Constraints()): try: self.value = float(value) self.sigma = float(sigma) except: raise ValueError("non-number value creeping into param" + str(value) + " " + str(sigma)) self.mutable = mutable self.constraints = constraints @property def isConstrained(self): ''' check if there are constrains. Return True is there is at least on constrain value. :return: True ''' if != -1: return True if self.constraints.max_index != -1: return True if self.constraints.MaxValue != math.inf: return True if self.constraints.min_index != -1: return True if self.constraints.MinValue != -math.inf: return True return False
[docs] def serialize(self): """ saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. unlike other serialize methods, not used in creating ParamterTree to send to D+ Calculation. Serialized parameters are expected by D+ as a *result* of fitting. :return: dictionary of the class fields (Value, isMutable, consMinIndex,consMaxIndex, linkIndex, sigma and constraints) """ return {"Value": self.value, "isMutable": self.mutable, "isConstrained": self.isConstrained, "consMin": self.constraints.MinValue, "consMax": self.constraints.MaxValue, "consMinIndex": self.constraints.min_index, "consMaxIndex": self.constraints.max_index, "linkIndex":, "sigma": self.sigma}
def __str__(self): return str(self.serialize()) def __repr__(self): return str(self.serialize())
[docs]class Model: ''' A base class to D+ models. ''' _model_ptr_index = 0 def __init__(self): = "" self.use_grid = True self.model_ptr = Model._model_ptr_index Model._model_ptr_index += 1 self.extra_params={} self.extra_param_index_map = [] self.location_params={} self.location_param_index_map = ["x", "y", "z", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"] self._init_from_metadata() def _init_from_metadata(self): #location params: location_vals = ["x", "y", "z","alpha", "beta", "gamma"] for val in location_vals: self.location_params[val] = Parameter() # extra params: try: e_params = self.metadata["extraParams"] except: #nothing to do here return for index, param in enumerate(e_params): self.extra_param_index_map.append(param["name"]) self.extra_params[param["name"]] = Parameter(value=param["defaultValue"])
[docs] def serialize(self): """ saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. """ mydict = {"ModelPtr": self.model_ptr, "Name":, "Use_Grid": self.use_grid, "nExtraParams": len(self.extra_params), "nLayers": 0, "nlp": 0, # this is default, overwritten by modelWithLayers "Type": _int_to_type( # for now, type must be proceeded with comma because we haven't gotten rid of containers yet self.index), #self.index is set in the factory "Mutables": [], "Parameters": [], "Sigma": [], "Constraints": [], "ExtraParameters": [], "ExtraConstraints": [], "ExtraMutables": [], "ExtraSigma": [], "Location": {}, "LocationConstraints": {}, "LocationMutables": {}, "LocationSigma": {} } # extraparams for i, param_name in enumerate(self.extra_param_index_map): param = self.extra_params[param_name] mydict["ExtraParameters"].append(param.value) mydict["ExtraConstraints"].append(param.constraints.serialize()) mydict["ExtraMutables"].append(param.mutable) mydict["ExtraSigma"].append(param.sigma) # locationparams for param_name in self.location_params: param = self.location_params[param_name] mydict["Location"][param_name] = param.value mydict["LocationConstraints"][param_name] = param.constraints.serialize() mydict["LocationMutables"][param_name] = param.mutable mydict["LocationSigma"][param_name] = param.sigma return mydict
def __str__(self): return (str(self.serialize()))
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): ''' sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary ''' # first, check that the type matches the model's type index and everything is in order # Domains and populations don't have metadata, their type_index is -1, skip this section if self.index == -1: pass else: type_index = _type_to_int(json["Type"]) if type_index != self.index: raise ValueError("Model type index mismatch") # override instance values try: = json["Name"] except KeyError: pass # we don't require names self.model_ptr = json["ModelPtr"] self.use_grid = json.get("Use_Grid", False) for param_index in range(len(json.get("ExtraParameters", []))): param = Parameter(value=json["ExtraParameters"][param_index], mutable=json["ExtraMutables"][param_index], sigma=json["ExtraSigma"][param_index], constraints=Constraints.from_dictionary(json["ExtraConstraints"][param_index])) self.extra_params[self.extra_param_index_map[param_index]] = param for param_index in json.get("Location", []): param = Parameter(value=json["Location"][param_index], mutable=json["LocationMutables"][param_index], sigma=json["LocationSigma"][param_index], constraints=Constraints.from_dictionary(json["LocationConstraints"][param_index])) self.location_params[param_index] = param
[docs] def get_mutable_params(self): ''' used in combining fitting results, or running fitting from within python :return: returns all the mutables params in extra_params and location_params ''' mut_array = [] # location params for param_name in self.location_param_index_map: if self.location_params[param_name].mutable: mut_array.append(self.location_params[param_name]) # mutable params for param_name in self.extra_param_index_map: if self.extra_params[param_name].mutable: mut_array.append(self.extra_params[param_name]) return mut_array
[docs] def set_mutable_params(self, mut_arr): ''' receives an order array of mutable params and set the values in extra_params and location_params according to that array :param mut_arr: array of mutable params ''' param_index=0 for param_name in self.location_param_index_map: if self.location_params[param_name].mutable: self.location_params[param_name].value=mut_arr[param_index] param_index+=1 for param_name in self.extra_param_index_map: if self.extra_params[param_name].mutable: self.extra_params[param_name].value=mut_arr[param_index] param_index+=1
# location params def __basic_json_params(self): ''' :return: a dictionary in the form: { "ModelPtr": self.model_ptr, "Parameters": params, "Submodels": [] } submodels contains an array of this exact dictionary for child models. Parameters is an array of parameters, always in the following order: * x * y * z * alpha * beta * gamma * useGrid * number of layers * params[i][j] ... ... * extraparams[i] ... ''' params = [] # add default location params # add location params location_vals = ["x", "y", "z", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"] for val in location_vals: try: params.append(self.location_params[val].serialize()) except: #if we don't have location params, no big, just attach defaults params.append(Parameter().serialize()) # add useGrid if self.use_grid: params.append(Parameter(1).serialize()) else: params.append(Parameter(0).serialize()) # add number of layers params.append(Parameter(1).serialize()) # add extra params for param in self.extra_param_index_map: params.append(self.extra_params[param].serialize()) return { "ModelPtr": self.model_ptr, "Parameters": params, "Submodels": [] }
[docs]class ModelWithChildren(Model): ''' D+ has few models which can have children. For example: Domain, population and Symmetry models ''' def __init__(self): self.Children = [] super().__init__()
[docs] def serialize(self): ''' saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. ''' mydict = super().serialize() mydict.update( { "Children": [child.serialize() for child in self.Children] } ) return mydict
def __str__(self): return (str(self.serialize()))
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): ''' sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary ''' super().load_from_dictionary(json) for child in json["Children"]: childmodel = ModelFactory.create_model_from_dictionary(child) self.Children.append(childmodel)
def __basic_json_params(self): basic_dict = super().__basic_json_params() for child in self.Children: basic_dict["Submodels"].append(child.__basic_json_params()) return basic_dict
[docs]class ModelWithLayers(Model): ''' D+ has few models which can have layers. For example: Sphere, Helix and UniformHollowCylinder ''' def __init__(self): self.layer_params = [] super().__init__() def _init_from_metadata(self): super()._init_from_metadata() # layer params: layerinfo = self.metadata["layers"]["layerInfo"] params = self.metadata["layers"]["params"] for layer in layerinfo: layer_dict = {} for param_index, parameter in enumerate(params): if layer["index"] == -1: # This is just an indication of the default layer when more layers are added # it is not an actual layer. self._default_layer = Parameter(value=layer["defaultValues"][param_index]) else: layer_dict[parameter] = Parameter(value=layer["defaultValues"][param_index]) if layer["index"] != -1: self.layer_params.append(layer_dict) self.layer_param_index_map = self.metadata["layers"]["params"]
[docs] def parameters_to_json_arrays(self): json_dict = {"Parameters": [], "Constraints": [], "Mutables": [], "Sigma": [] } # layerparams for layer in self.layer_params: param_array = [] constr_array = [] mut_array = [] sigma_array = [] for i, param_name in enumerate(self.layer_param_index_map): param = layer[param_name] param_array.append(param.value) constr_array.append(param.constraints.serialize()) mut_array.append(param.mutable) sigma_array.append(param.sigma) json_dict["Parameters"].append(param_array) json_dict["Constraints"].append(constr_array) json_dict["Mutables"].append(mut_array) json_dict["Sigma"].append(sigma_array) # some additional things that are necessary json_dict["nlp"] = len(self.layer_params[0]) json_dict["nLayers"] = len(self.layer_params) return json_dict
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): ''' sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary ''' super().load_from_dictionary(json) for layer_index in range(len(json["Parameters"])): for param_index in range(len(json["Parameters"][layer_index])): param = Parameter(value=json["Parameters"][layer_index][param_index], mutable=json["Mutables"][layer_index][param_index], sigma=json["Sigma"][layer_index][param_index], constraints=Constraints.from_dictionary(json["Constraints"][layer_index][param_index])) try: self.layer_params[layer_index][self.layer_param_index_map[param_index]] = param except IndexError: if len(json["Parameters"]) > self.metadata["layers"]["max"] and self.metadata["layers"][ "max"] != -1: raise ValueError( "Not allowed to set more than " + str(self.metadata["layers"]["max"]) + " layers") # otherwise go ahead and add the layer self.layer_params.append({}) self.layer_params[layer_index][self.layer_param_index_map[param_index]] = param
[docs] def serialize(self): ''' saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. ''' mydict = super().serialize() mydict.update( self.parameters_to_json_arrays() ) return mydict
[docs] def get_mutable_params(self): ''' Return all the mutable params of the model. The mutable params come from the layers array, extra_params and location_params. :return: mutable params array ''' mut_array = [] # location params for param_name in self.location_param_index_map: if self.location_params[param_name].mutable: mut_array.append(self.location_params[param_name]) # layer params for layer in self.layer_params: for param_name in layer: if layer[param_name].mutable: mut_array.append(layer[param_name]) # extra params for param_name in self.extra_param_index_map: if self.extra_params[param_name].mutable: mut_array.append(self.extra_params[param_name]) return mut_array
[docs] def set_mutable_params(self, mut_array): ''' receives an order array of mutable params and set the values in layer , extra_params and location_params according to that array. :param mut_arr: array of mutable params ''' index = 0 # location params for param_name in self.location_param_index_map: if self.location_params[param_name].mutable: self.location_params[param_name] = mut_array[index] index += 1 # layer params for layer in self.layer_params: for param_name in layer: if layer[param_name].mutable: layer[param_name] = mut_array[index] index += 1 # extra params for param_name in self.extra_param_index_map: if self.extra_params[param_name].mutable: self.extra_params[param_name] = mut_array[index] index += 1
def __basic_json_params(self): ''' :param use_grid: :return: x y z alpha beta gamma useGrid number of layers params[i][j] ... ... extraparams[i] ... ''' # basic_dict = super().__basic_json_params(useGrid) # override basic entirely basic_dict= super().__basic_json_params() super_params_arr=basic_dict["Parameters"] #the first 7 params are location and use_grid and remain unchanged. The rest are overwritten params=super_params_arr[:7] # add number of layers params.append(Parameter(len(self.layer_params)).serialize()) # add params: for param in self.layer_param_index_map: for layer in self.layer_params: params.append(layer[param].serialize()) # add extra params for param in self.extra_param_index_map: params.append(self.extra_params[param].serialize()) basic_dict["Parameters"] = params return basic_dict
[docs]class ModelWithFile(Model): ''' D+ has few models which have a file. For example: PDB, AMP and ScriptedSymmetry ''' def __init__(self, filename=""): self.filenames = [] self.filename = filename super().__init__()
[docs] def serialize(self): ''' saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. ''' mydict = super().serialize() mydict.update( { "Filename": self.filename, } ) try: mydict.update( { "Centered": self.centered, } ) except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err: # not everything has centered pass try: mydict.update( { "AnomFilename": self.anomfilename, } ) except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err: # not everything has an anomfilename pass return mydict
def __str__(self): return (str(self.serialize()))
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): ''' sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary ''' super().load_from_dictionary(json) self.filename = json["Filename"] self.filenames.append(self.filename) # TODO: various optional additonal fields that really should be handled in a better way try: self.centered = json["Centered"] except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err: # not everything has centered pass try: self.anomfilename = json["AnomFilename"] self.filenames.append(json["AnomFilemame"]) except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err: # not everything has an anomfilename pass
def _get_model_tuple(metadata): model_list = [] if "isLayerBased" in metadata: if metadata["isLayerBased"] == True: model_list.append(ModelWithLayers) if metadata["category"] == 9: # symmetry model_list.append(ModelWithChildren) if metadata["name"] in _models_with_files_index_dict: model_list.append(ModelWithFile) if len(model_list)==0: model_list=[Model] return tuple(model_list)
[docs]class ScriptedSymmetry(Model): ''' A class for D+ ScriptedSymmetry, this is sufficient for running against existing backend,\ but does NOT implement running with python fit ''' # TODO: this is sufficient for running against existing backend, but does NOT implement running with python fit def __init__(self, **fields): self.__dict__.update(fields)
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): ''' sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary ''' # print(vars(self)) self.json = json if "Children" in json: self.Children = [] for child in json["Children"]: childmodel = ModelFactory.create_model_from_dictionary(child) self.Children.append(childmodel)
[docs] def serialize(self): ''' saves the contents of a class to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. ''' return_dict = {} for key in self.json: return_dict[key] = self.__dict__[key] if "Children" in self.json: return_dict["Children"] = [child.serialize() for child in self.Children] return return_dict
class ModelFactory: models_arr = [] from types import ModuleType models = ModuleType('dplus.DataModels.models') sys.modules['dplus.DataModels.models'] = models @classmethod def add_model(cls, metadata): no_space_name = "".join(metadata["name"].split()) no_space_name = no_space_name.replace("-", "") modeltuple = _get_model_tuple(metadata) # replace name with type_name metadata["type_name"] = metadata.pop("name") metadata["metadata"] = metadata.copy() myclass = type(no_space_name, modeltuple, metadata) ModelFactory.models_arr.append(myclass) setattr(ModelFactory.models, no_space_name, myclass) @classmethod def create_model_from_dictionary(cls, json): model_index_str = json["Type"] if model_index_str in ["Scripted Geometry", "Scripted Model"]: raise NotImplemented( "Tal says:Scripted models and geometries are remnants of a yet unimplemented feature (script models, e.g., written in Python). They should be obliterated from existence for now, only to be revived if python models work.") if model_index_str == "Scripted Symmetry": m = ScriptedSymmetry(**json) m.load_from_dictionary(json) return m model_index = _type_to_int(model_index_str) for model in ModelFactory.models_arr: # TODO: Turn this into a dictionary at some point if model.index == model_index: m = model() m.load_from_dictionary(json) return m raise ValueError("Model not found") @classmethod def create_model(cls, name_or_index): no_space_name = "_".join(name_or_index.split()) for model in ModelFactory.models_arr: if model.type_index == name_or_index or model.type_name == name_or_index or model.type_name == no_space_name: return model raise ValueError("Model not found")
[docs]class Population(ModelWithChildren): ''' `Population` can contain a number of `Model` classes. Some models have children, which are also models. ''' index = -1 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.population_size = 1 self.population_size_mut = False self.extra_param_index_map=["Population Size"] self.extra_params["Population Size"]=Parameter(value=self.population_size, mutable=self.population_size_mut) @property def models(self): ''' Return all the models in the population class. :return: models array ''' return self.Children
[docs] def add_model(self, model): ''' :param model: model to add to the population ''' self.models.append(model)
[docs] def serialize(self): """ saves the contents of a class Population to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. """ mydict = super().serialize() mydict["Models"] = mydict.pop("Children") newdict = { "PopulationSize": self.population_size, "PopulationSizeMut": self.population_size_mut, "ModelPtr": self.model_ptr, "Models": mydict["Models"] } return newdict
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): ''' sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary ''' self.model_ptr = json["ModelPtr"] for model in json["Models"]: self.Children.append(ModelFactory.create_model_from_dictionary(model)) self.population_size = json["PopulationSize"] self.population_size_mut = json["PopulationSizeMut"] self.extra_params["Population Size"]=Parameter(value=self.population_size, mutable=self.population_size_mut)
[docs]class Domain(ModelWithChildren): ''' The Domain class describes the parameter tree. The Domain model is the root of the parameter tree, which can contain multiple populations. ''' index = -1 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.scale = 1 self.constant = 0.0 self.scale_mut = False self.constant_mut = False self.geometry = "Domains" self.populations.append(Population()) self.extra_param_index_map=["Scale", "Constant"] self.extra_params["Constant"]=Parameter(value=self.constant, mutable=self.constant_mut) self.extra_params["Scale"]=Parameter(value=self.scale, mutable=self.scale_mut) @property def populations(self): ''' :return: The populations of the domain ''' return self.Children
[docs] def serialize(self): """ saves the contents of a class Domain to a dictionary. :return: dictionary of the class fields. """ # we need to completely override the dictionary returned by model # (which includes nlayers and other extraneous fields). mydict = super().serialize() mydict["Populations"] = mydict.pop("Children") newdict = { "ModelPtr": self.model_ptr, "Scale": self.scale, "ScaleMut": self.scale_mut, "Constant": self.constant, "ConstantMut": self.constant_mut, "Geometry": self.geometry, "Populations": mydict["Populations"] } return newdict
[docs] def load_from_dictionary(self, json): """ sets the values of the various fields within a class to match those contained within a suitable dictionary. :param json: json dictionary """ self.populations[:]=[] #by default Domain creates an empty population. However if we are loading from json we don't want this empty population for population in json["Populations"]: popu = Population() popu.load_from_dictionary(population) self.Children.append(popu) self.scale = json["Scale"] self.scale_mut = json["ScaleMut"] try: self.constant = json["Constant"] #TODO: add back if necessary self.constant_mut = json["ConstantMut"] except Exception as e: print(e) #is probably an old model without constant self.geometry = json["Geometry"] self.model_ptr = json["ModelPtr"] self.extra_params["Constant"]=Parameter(value=self.constant, mutable=self.constant_mut) self.extra_params["Scale"]=Parameter(value=self.scale, mutable=self.scale_mut)
def __basic_json_params(self, useGrid): ''' :param useGrid: :return: ''' self.use_grid = useGrid basic_dict = super().__basic_json_params(useGrid) # we need to add in parameters to the domain basic_dict["Parameters"].append(self.scale_param.serialize()) for population in self.Children: basic_dict["Parameters"].append(population.population_size_param.serialize()) return basic_dict
for model in hardcode_models: ModelFactory.add_model(model) for model in meta_models: ModelFactory.add_model(model)